Lab6-Flash Talk

For this lab we had to create a flash talk about one of the three topics: Net Neutrality, Internet Censorship, or Computer Hacking. I chose to discuss about Net Neutrality; therefore I had to research the topic and create an actual script on what I want to say. The script had to consist of a summary of the topic and my opinion on the topic. I used photobooth to record the video, but I had to convert the video into mp4 in order for it to work. The lab was very simple after the recording part. We just had to create a table with no borders and have the flash talk on one side and the link to our sources on the other side.
The actual tag to insert the video is just<video> but you have to define the source and the type of file the video is. All the other tags we already knew it was just trying to get the video to work in the webpage. This lab was helpful in furthering my HTML knowledge and I believe this will help me insert videos or other forms of videos into my webpages in the future. It is just to help expand our options in creating websites; we are no longer restricted to just images and text.


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