
Showing posts from October, 2017

What do FileZilla, CoreFTP & CyberDuck have in common?

 FileZilla, CoreFTP, and CyberDuck are all FTP( File Transfer Protocol) applications which means they are used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a network. These applications server as a simpler means to store files and be able to transfer files to multiple people without sending it multiple times. They are all are written in coding language; FileZilla and CoreFTP are written using C++; CyberDuck is written in JavaScriot and C#. These applications also support the same protocols which are FTP, SFTP, and FTPS; all of the protocols are related to transferring files. CoreFTP logo

Blown to Bits Chapter 3

Discuss how not knowing some basics of how a software tool or computer works, and the abstractions they use, could lead to bad outcomes. Not knowing the basics of how software tools or computer works put users at risk of having some information that they wanted to keep confidential to become public. Just like how government officials didn’t know that the highlighter tool doesn’t mean people would be able to edit the file to get the blacked out part to become visible others could go through the same. If they knew the proper way to encrypt the documents, so it can’t be edit by unauthorized people then the information about the CIA agents and the death of Nicole Calipari would not have gone public. The layers of protocols used in network communication is an example of abstraction. Can you give other examples of abstraction in everyday life? When you browse to a web page, maybe with some animated advertisements embedded on it, describe in detail what happens behind the scenes to dis...

Lab9: Home Page

This lab's objective was to create a homepage for all my labs, project, this blog, and techteach. In order words, I had to create a table with links to my lab index, project, index, my blog, and the teachteach website. This was kind of a weird concept because we had to create a link to a project index which has yet to be created; therefore we had to create a webpage for the project index. I just put an image with the words " under construction" for now until we have a project. Otherwise, the rest of the project was simple because we already became accustom to FileZilla and how to create an index. My home page consisted of a 4x4 table with links to labs, projects, my blog, and techteach,us and under those links was an image of the website to make it easier to see which is which. This will be useful in the future because we longer have to keep our labs separate; we have a single place to put all of our labs.This homepage will be used in the future to display the labs and p...

Lab8: Lab Index

This lab was the first time we used FileZilla because we had to create an index for our labs, so all our labs would be displayed in an organized manner. We had our own server to put all of our work. The index had to be in the lab folder and the actual index was a simple process to make. In a sense all we had to do is create a table with all our labs and if you wanted you could've added images. However, the all the labs had to contain link to the webpage of the labs , so when you click on any lab you would go to the actual webpage of that lab. This is sounds quite simple, but in reality it is difficult because in order to get everything work work smoothly you need to put all links as relative paths which was a completely new concept. But in the end this lab helped create index to cohesively display my labs, so anyone wont be confused. This lab will be helpful in the future because now we know ho to use servers in order to upload our files and create a complex website that contains ...

Lab7: Favicon

This lab was at first just to create a favicon, an icon, for our webpages, but then it turned into a little research lab. A favicon is just an icon or logo in a sense that you see next to the webpage title in the tabs. When creating the favicon I used because it just turned out one of the lessons was to create a favicon. My favicon was simple, but I like the design. The research aspect of this lab was that we had to answer the following: what is a favicon?, how are they create?, and how I created my favicon. This all had to be on a webpage including an image of the favicon, but the actual favicon had to appear in the tabs. To do this part of the lab I had to use the link tag <link>  and put my favicon as sort of an image. I enjoyed doing this lab because it was working towards something that represents who I am and what I want my webpage to look for others. I see myself using these skills in the future to create a more professional webpage that I can brand as my own...

Lab6-Flash Talk

For this lab we had to create a flash talk about one of the three topics: Net Neutrality, Internet Censorship, or Computer Hacking. I chose to discuss about Net Neutrality; therefore I had to research the topic and create an actual script on what I want to say. The script had to consist of a summary of the topic and my opinion on the topic. I used photobooth to record the video, but I had to convert the video into mp4 in order for it to work. The lab was very simple after the recording part. We just had to create a table with no borders and have the flash talk on one side and the link to our sources on the other side. The actual tag to insert the video is just<video> but you have to define the source and the type of file the video is. All the other tags we already knew it was just trying to get the video to work in the webpage. This lab was helpful in furthering my HTML knowledge and I believe this will help me insert videos or other forms of videos into my webpages in the futur...

CE#4: Meeting the Demands of Students and Society

In the recently published articles, " Falling Behind", by Jeremy Bauer-Wolf a new concern is being brought up with the high demand for computer scientist in the real world. Although colleges are doing an amazing job with producing graduates with bachelor's degrees in computer science, it is still not enough to fill the demand in the work force. This causes colleges to be under constant pressure since more and more students are enrolling in computer science programs. There are other concerns such as professors don't have the necessary resources or facilities to keep up with the increasing workload and that the people who enroll on computer science programs aren't from underprivileged ethnicities. There have been of recommendation in order to fix these concerns, but it doesn't change the fact that computer science is one the most growing fields of work. Since schools can't sustain the demand, many people seek their degree from online courses. For me this i...

Lab5-Favorite's Lists

This lab was to create a table consisting of our favorite things in multiple categories which were movies, food, subject, music, and grocery list. I supposed it was just a list instead of a list of our favorite things, but either way it was more complex than it seems. This is because we essentially had to create a list within a list in our code. For three of the categories there was subsections; for the favorite subjects we had to include two reasons for it to be our favorite, for favorite music we had two genres then three artist and finally two songs, and for the grocery list we had to include the specific type of food and at least five items for each type. There was more though, we also had to follow a specific protocol which was that each list had its own type of list. What i mean by this is that the list could be ordered or unordered, and the the symbol for the lists( bullet points, roman numerals) are different. The code for the lab consisted of a table with five columns and two...

Lab4-Color Table

The directions for lab 4 was to create a table made up of hues and the corresponding hexadecimal value for the hue. In order to complete this lab a new HTML tag was introduced, the <table> tag which creates a table. however that isn't the only tag necessary to complete the lab we also needed to use the <tr> and <td> tags. tr signified a row on the table and td signified a row in the table; with all three tags we could create and manipulate a table into what we needed. The actual table we created consisted of three columns and twenty rows. The three columns are the color name, hexadecimal value, and the actual hue. Each row had a different hue and the first row is the titles for the columns. We didn't have regular colors, such as red or blue, we had absurd hues that had names you only see on crayons like Dark Magneta and Midnight Blue. Of course we didn't know the hexadecimal value of the hues; therefore we used w3schools to search up the values, it had it...

Labs Poster

This is a combination for the first three labs done because it was eventually made into a poster. Lab1 was to create a very basic html page that just had my name, title, date, lab number, and a brief paragraph describing myself. The purpose of this simple lab was to learn the basis of how to create a webpage and the basic html tags. If  I recall correctly we only used <title>, <h1-6>, and the <p> tags. there is not much on the page, but it is only the start, the other labs is building off this very first lab. Lab 2 was basically Lab 1 just with an image of myself before the paragraph. Now to add an image to an html code, the image tag needs to be included in the code. Also the image source has to be included which can be done if the image is dragged into the software it is lines of codes are. The dimensions of the image can be manipulated by setting the height and width. Actually, only one value is needed, then the computer automatically maintains the aspect r...

The Future of Disaster Aid

In a recent article by Evan Ackerman, the use of a snake robot after the earthquake that occurred was discussed and analyzed. The robot used is exactly like what it sounds, it is a robot that has a similar shape to a snake with the purpose of being able to search in areas which no person or other animal can reach. Although the robot did not find anybody in the ruble it did help researchers have good look at the robot's efficiency and effectiveness in a real life crisis. At first the people who handled the robot had difficulty reaching the disaster site because there were a lot of volunteers, but having many people around was dangerous. When they did reach the site the method the rescuers used were using a kind of steel plunger to bang on concrete and used microphones to listen for any survivors. With the robotic snake, which had a camera at the end of it, it was easier to maneuver through tight spaces,. Although the robot didn't change much in the situation the creators where ...

Current Events #2: "Alibaba aims to Master the Laws of AI"

This article published last Thursday by Yiting Sun highlight the resent announcement that Alibaba, a Chinese e-commerce giant, is going to invest $15 billion on researching artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Most, if not all the money will be spent on the establishment and maintenance of the Alibaba DAMO Academy. The purpose of the academy is to research cutting-edge technology as artificial intelligence. Alibaba plans to open laboratories in China, Russia, Israel, Singapore, and America. A quote from Jeff Zhang, Alibaba's chief technology officer, when asked what the vision is for DAMO Academy is, "We hope to attract the top talent in many fields. Alibaba is a vast platform, so anyone who joins can try things out anytime. In universities, it’s very hard to do research related to big data and AI due to limited access to data and computing power. Some countries we’ll be recruiting in are the U.S., Singapore, Russia, and Israel." The reason behind Alibaba's ...

Robotic Animals?

An article by Aisling Irwin titled " Robotic Bugs Train Insects to be Helpers" discusses a new experiment that has been done involving robots to be integrated in insect society. This specific experiment involved robots to "live" with ants and become one with them. When they ants found food, the robot will detect that a follow the ants to the food source. the purpose of this experiment was to prove a theory which was brought up by another experiment. Another robot followed cockroaches and did what they did, eventually till it was recognized as one of them. Later whatever the robot did which went against normal cockroach behavior, such as moving to a space with light, the roaches followed the robot. Dr. Collignon, one of the researches, believes this is a step towards animals becoming more useful towards human society. Some new uses that could be introduced is that small animals can be used to explore dangerous environments that humans cannot go into such as a collaps...

DNS( Domain Name System)

why does the Internet use IP address? The Internet uses  IP addresses because it makes it simpler to communicate across the Internet. Each device has an IP address that follows the Internet Protocol, a set of rules for connecting over the Internet. Why don't we need to know IP addresses? we don't need to know because the DNS servers convert the URL into IP addresses. the computer sends a request to the DNS servers fir the IP address of a device or website and then it send the address back to the computer. it eliminates the need to memorize multiple numbers. Why do we need a Domain Name System?  if we didn't have a Domain Name System then we would have to know each IP address for all the websites we wanted to look for. instead of searching the actual name of the website you would have to type in numbers that coordinate with the specific website which would be much more of a hassle then remembering the URL of the website. Why don't we all maintain our own DNS? w...